Monday, April 17, 2017

1. Pineapple
2. Guava and Water Guava ... The popular choice of fruits for rojak sauce. Unfortunately, we couldn't find a nice pic of such fruits for this post.
3. 'Sengkuang'. We looked up Wikipedia and found funny names for it in English, so we'll just stick to the Malaysian word for it.
4. Mango. Try rojak sauce with a mango that's not too ripe, as that's how a number of Malaysians enjoy it.
5. Papaya. This is a rather unusual choice of fruit, but give it a go. Again, go for the not-so-ripe ones.
6. Starfruit. The most unusual combination with rojak sauce, but hey, you only live once!

Monday, April 3, 2017

1. 400gm stingray
2. 2 fresh squids
3. 100gm clams
4. 3 long beans
5. 3 lady’s fingers
6. 3 shallots
7. 2 cloves of garlic
8. 4 tbsp MCM Sambal Sauce
9. 1 tbsp MCM Assam Sauce
10. ½ tsp MCM Belacan Sauce
11. 1 tsp turmeric powder
12. 1 tbsp dried prawns (coarsely chopped)
13. 1 tbsp MCM Superior Light Soy Sauce
14. 1 tbsp sugar
15. Small piece of cut out banana leaf

1. Cut the stingray into 2 pieces, the fresh squids into rings, the long beans into sections and the lady’s fingers into slanting thick pieces.
2. Mash the shallots and garlic until they become a paste. Mix this with the Sambal Sauce, Assam Sauce, Belacan Sauce, turmeric powder and dried prawns. Mix this concoction well.
3. Add some oil to a wok and heat it up. Fry the concoction paste over low heat and then add in the Superior Light Soy Sauce and sugar.
4. Divide the fried paste into 2 portions. Take a double layer of aluminium foil. Put the banana leaf over the foil.
5. Scoop the first portion of the fried paste and spread it over the banana leaf. Lay the cut stingray, squids, clams and all the vegetables on the banana leaf. Pour the remaining fried paste over the all the ingredients. Wrap up the foil neatly into a parcel.
6. Grill the aluminium parcel in a preheated oven at 200 degrees Celsius for about 20 – 25 minutes or until ingredients are well cooked.



authorKum Thim Food Industries Sdn Bhd, established since 1971, is one of the leading sauces manufacturers in Malaysia.   Learn More

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