Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Braised Abalone with Wantan Noodle

Main ingredients:
1. 5 pieces of abalone
2. 5 pkts of wantan mee

Broth ingredients:
1. 100gm of dried squid
2. 100gm of dried sole fish
(Both of these should be deep fried)
3. 1kg chicken feet (deep fried)
4. 1 old chicken
5. 5 litres of chicken broth

1. 260gm MCM Superior Light Soy Sauce
2. 30gm MCM Golden Thick Soy Sauce
3. 200gm rock sugar

1. Boil all the deep fried ingredients with the old chicken, chicken broth and seasonings. Once the stock reaches boiling point, simmer in low heat but maintain at boiling condition.
2. Wash abalone, put into stock and braise for about 3-4 hours until the centre is softened.
3. Boil water in a pot, blanch wantan mee, drain and set aside.
4. In a frying pan, bring the braised abalone and some sauce to boil, add in wantan mee, cook for a while, dish out and serve.

Tip: Just braise until the abalone can be skewer in easily with a toothpick. Check out the product's at MCM's Brand Street page on Dinasou.com.

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